Title III Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) Grant
October 21, 2024
Around CampusPress Releases
For Immediate Release
Title III Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) Grant
Spartanburg, SC- Spartanburg Community College (SCC) is thrilled to share that it has received a competitive Title III Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) grant totaling $2.1 million over the next five years, aimed at enhancing its capacity to support student success initiatives. SCC is one of only two colleges in South Carolina chosen to receive this national award.
“This award is a powerful step toward leveling the playing field for students in our area. It provides them with the resources and support they need to not only dream of graduation but to “live” it, creating a chance for the students to better their lives and careers for themselves and their families,” said Dr. Stacey Obi, Vice President of Strategic Innovation at Spartanburg Community College.
With an impressive 45% increase in enrollment since 2019, SCC will be able to support even more members of the Upstate community, guiding them to graduation and launching successful careers wherever they choose. This grant, offered by the U.S. Department of Education, will not only enhance and strengthen academic quality but also improve institutional management and fiscal stability. The grant also provides funding to support several staff positions.
For more information on how SCC is continuing to support student success, click here.