Various Ways to Give Your Support to SCC
There are many ways to make a gift to the SCC Foundation to support Spartanburg Community College. As always, we appreciate your support!
Online Donation
Make a one-time gift using your credit/debit card on our secure SCC Giving website.
Donate by Telephone
Call the SCC Foundation to make a gift over the phone.
Mail a Check
Make your check out to SCC Foundation and mail it to:
SCC Foundation, PO Box 4386, Spartanburg, SC 29305
Gifts In-Kind
Make a gift of books, equipment or other personal property.
Books, equipment and other types of gifts in kind provide valuable help to SCC by supporting faculty and students through enhancing the campus and improving quality of life.
To make your gift in kind or discuss your options, contact: or (864)592-4624
Donate Directly from Your IRA as a Part of Your RMD
Have the entity that holds your IRA make a Qualified Charitable Donation directly from your IRA to the SCC Foundation. This could possibly benefit you on your taxes even if you are unable to itemize deductions. Speak with your tax advisor for more information.
To do this, have the IRA make the check payable to SCC Foundation. Mail it to:
SCC Foundation, PO Box 4386, Spartanburg, SC 29305
Make Your Gift of Stocks, Mutual Funds, Real Estate, or Legacy Donations
Making a gift of securities or real estate may mean significant tax benefits for the donor — potentially providing a valuable income tax deduction — that effectively reduce the cost of making a gift.
Contributions of appreciated securities held for more than a year may be deductible at their average market value regardless of what the donor paid for them. Each gift is case specific and you should always consult your tax advisor for questions regarding tax treatment of your gifts.
Legacy donations allow you to give to SCC Foundation from a will or living trust with a gift of any size, free of estate tax. Your gift can create a legacy for you while shaping the future of generations of SCC students.
If you have questions about how a planned gift will benefit you, contact : or 864-592-4448
Other Ways to Give
If you have an idea, or question about giving to Spartanburg Community College Foundation, please contact: or 864-592-4448
View or Download SCC's Policy for Investment Spending (PDF)
View or Download the SCC Foundation's Gift Acceptance Policy (PDF)
SCC Foundation
Dan L. Terhune Student Services Building, Ste. 102
SCC Foundation Office